Author Bio

Welcome to the Erik Harlow Sci-Fi Author website! If you’re here, I suppose you’re curious about what sort of guy writes this kind of science fiction and fantasy. One of my earliest memories was playing with a classic car toy firetruck my uncle had given me (similar to this one) at the top of the concrete stairs just in front of my second-story apartment home. It rolled a bit too far backward and plummeted to the stone-filled planter directly below and exploded into pieces.

You know the full-body flush you get when something really bad happens? That. First time I felt it. I went downstairs and gathered up every piece I could find and reassembled it. Everything was in place except one of the headlights. Thus began my lifelong pursuit of fixing everything that breaks around me. And that sparked a deep desire to understand my world.

The sciences unfolded before me, full of mysteries and answers to why the world works the way it does. The turning of the planets, the turning of the Milky Way, as well as the fundamental forces that govern all the laws of physics. And there’s the science part of my love for science fiction.

I have Piers Anthony, Douglas Niles, and Gary Gygax to thank for my love of fantasy; Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, and Arthur C. Clarke for my love of science fiction. Sitting behind the two-panel DM’s screen from the age of twelve, fantasy gaming was a way to tell stories unbound by the limitations of reality. I wrote my first fantasy manuscript at the age of eighteen, and I’ve been trying to figure it out ever since.

I love Sade and Metallica in equal measure, as well as most things Star Trek, the original Star Wars trilogy, Rogue One, the Andor series, the Obi-Wan series, and the Dark Crystal movie and series. I bake pies and cakes, and have some skill at the grill. Amazing wife and kids. Dogs, cats, fish, and plants. Hiking. Spending time with friends. I separate my lights and darks.

If you’re one of those chosen few who have read some of my other works self-published through Amazon’s Kindle platform, I will not be listing anything here. If curiosity reaches critical mass, I’ll find some forum for discussion, but my writing past is better left where it is. Please trust me on this.

Here’s my Amazon author page:

Here’s a picture of me staring at my computer screen. Yup.
Store events

Maybe one day! Who knows? If it happens, I look forward to meeting you in person.

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