Frequently asked questions! Or if not “frequently,” maybe “formulaically.” If you have any other questions not listed here, please reach out to us and we will answer what we can.

What genres does Erik Harlow specialize in?

Erik Harlow specializes in science fiction and fantasy novels. From futuristic worlds to thrilling adventures across enchanted lands, his writing can captivate readers with imaginative stories and compelling characters.

Are Erik Harlow’s books suitable for all ages?

While Erik Harlow’s books are primarily targeted towards young adult and adult readers, they can be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates the science fiction and fantasy genres. Parents are advised to review the content of the books before sharing them with younger readers.

Where can I purchase Erik Harlow’s books?

Erik Harlow’s books are available for purchase on Amazon at present. Perhaps one day, you will find his books in select bookstores across the country.

Can I request a signed copy of Erik Harlow’s books?

Yes, you can request a signed paperback or hardcover copy of Erik Harlow’s books. Please fill out the contact form and include the request in the message section. He uses Paypal for these transactions.

Can I invite Erik Harlow to speak at my event or book club?

Uh, sure. Why not? With no social gravitas or name recognition, you could probably do a lot better, though.