Excerpt from “The Magus Gene: Awakening”

Since “Magus Gene: Awakening” and “The Magus Gene: Dominion” Kindle versions are going to be free for Kindle users to download tomorrow through Monday, 8/12, it seems fitting to offer an except from Book 1 to anyone who’s curious about what they might be getting into.

– – – – – – – – – EXCERPT BEGINS HERE – – – – – – – – –

With his wrench gripped like a baseball bat, Mack crept along the darkened passageway. He stalked past intricate, colorful tile murals of whimsically rendered toadstools and rounded the corner. Overhead lights steadily pulsed in the chamber ahead of him. He scanned the area, but he found no beast.

Instead, he found a framed poster that advertised an upcoming Pegasi War memorial special. An older fellow stood before it. With a glue gun, the older fellow bonded a lengthy sheet of digital paper to the poster’s glaze. His light gray hair flowed up from a receding widow’s peak, and a luscious, patchwork cloak hung across his back. Satisfied with the arrangement of his vandalism, the older man smiled and took a step back. Boldly, he spoke the words, “Brial pantir!” Crimson light flared from the tip of his wand. Although the glow faded just as quickly as it had appeared, his spell added persistent, iridescent shapes to the surface of the paper.

Eyes wide, Mack lowered his wrench and retreated to Penny’s side.

“Is it a rain strider?” she whispered.

“No, it’s so much worse.” He forced himself to calm down. “It’s a magic-user.” Hastily, he returned his wrench to its tray. It clattered against the rest of his tools.

Penny blinked. “Wait… Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Mack closed the toolbox lid.

“Why would there be a magic-user here? BEAM only has one office in our entire system, and it’s in orbit on Rhyon Skystation.” Penny crossed her arms. “I haven’t seen anything on the news about rogue magic-users. Why would they send an agent down here?”

“No uniform.” Mack grabbed his tools. “It’s not an agent.”

“Oh.” Panic seeped into Penny’s body.

Mack moved to protect her. “I’m right behind you.”

They walked swiftly, quietly toward the exit.

“Young man!” The older fellow stepped into view from around the corner. “Can I ask you a question before you leave?”

Mack froze and assessed his position; he estimated his mass completely eclipsed Penny from the magic-user’s view. “Walk slowly, directly ahead,” whispered Mack. “I don’t think he’s seen you. I… I’ll hold him off for as long as I can. When you reach the exit, head left down the road and run. When you get to the transit stop, find a place to hide and call Emergency Response. Tell them to send RETHCOM.”

Tears gathered in her eyes, and her voice sounded raspy. “Do you honestly think I’m going to leave you here to face a warlock by yourself?”

“Penelope, please!

She shook her head. “Not on your life.”

The older fellow cleared his throat. “Excuse me! Young man, can you understand me?”

Mack steeled himself and whirled around. “We understand you just fine!”

“Oh! There are two of you.” The older fellow smiled. “How delightful!”

Penny balled her fists. “We know what you are!”

Mack looked like he was ready to fight. “You’re a magic-user!”

Penny loaded an app and raised her phone. “I’m warning you, whatever happens to us, I’m streaming this to all my social channels!”

The older fellow chuckled. “I’m a wizard, if you want to be exact.” He motioned for them to follow. “Come on, this way! I need you to see something.”